Portal anunturi din Romania
Detalii Companie
Denumire Companie
Denumire Companie :
Persoana de contact :
Rebekah Agnes
Adresa :
Strada Siemens Nr. 1
Cod postal :
Oras :
Tara :
Telefon :
40 372 923 165 Web :


Descriere activitate

Continental AG, commonly known as Continental or colloquially as Conti, is a German multinational automotive parts manufacturing company specializing in tires, brake systems, interior electronics.

At Continental, we have increased our development plans in the hydrogen field so trucks, buses or excavators can be powered without emissions in the future. More than 150 years of product and material expertise make us the ideal partner to develop new materials for the hydrogen value chain strategically aligning Continental with prospective customer applications. Together, we can make the future of heavy-duty transport a reality.


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Ultimele 10 anunturi ale firmei
posturi vacante cu normă întreagă pentru candidați Inginerie, Administrație, Contabil, Medicină/Farmacie, Marketing.
Pret : 55000 EUR

Continental AG, cunoscută în mod obișnuit ca Continental sau colocvial ca Conti, este o companie multi ... Detalii
Sunt necesari ingineri
Pret : 55000 EUR

Continental AG, cunoscută în mod obișnuit ca Continental sau colocvial ca Conti, este o companie multi ... Detalii