The biggest indoor and outdoor kids playground Brasov Romania !

Brasov adaugat la data de 21-08-2013, Numar anunt: 24402

The biggest indoor and outdoor kids playground Brasov Romania !
21-08-2013 Brasov

Zao Planet is the perfect place for kids, teens and adult to have fun and relax. With a 4000m2 of indoor attractions for all ages!
Many people is calling Zao Planet The Fun and family mall because here you find 2000m2 of indoor playground for kids separated in 3 zone according with the children age , 1 to 4years , 5 to 9yeras and 10 to 13 years old and of course a nice restaurant with a menu fast food type.
Here in the fun park you will find a wide range of attractions , toys where the kids can run and have fun in the fresh air : 3 floors high playground , giant inflatable slides, bouncers, mega trampoline, ocean ball plastic pool ,swings,riders, toy story castles , fairy tail houses...
In the outdoor playground you will find 2 terraces with shade where the aduls can enjoy their favorite drinks and food form our special menu in a comfortable ambiance with a good music and service from our staff.
The kids will have a blast of fun in the outdoor where they can find many attractions like the bungee jumping, flying fox, pedal go kart Ferrari, mega inflatable slide and bouncers, swings ,riders ...
The ground floor is full of surprises as well as Cinema 7D, a large Laser Tag Arena, Pool tables, Tenis Tables, Darts, Air Hokey, Foosball, a very stylish bar, comfortable lounge with a nice drinks and food menu.
The gift shop for kids is waiting for you with the best prices for toys and dresses for the little ones.
We are organizing in Zao Planet the best partys for kids and adults, all types of events, birthday celebrations, baptism party, weddings, team buildings and all type of events.
Zao Planet is organizing as well kids partys and events in any other locations our costumers are requesting, such a restaurants, hotels , private houses , company locations doesnt mater which city we are invited to attend, we will bring all the equipment, toys , furniture, music and the entertaining staff to create a fun and happy time for all the guest who will be attending to the event !
Location :Zao Planet fun park and kids playground is in the Brasov .
Address :Str. Fundatura Harmanului, nr. 4
Brasov, Romania
Phone for inquiries and reservation:
Zao Planet : 0786.04.04.04
Email: Free entrance for adults !!!

Opening hours: Entrance fee for kids 1 to 9years old is unlimited time for the indoor and outdoor park :
Monday to Friday: 11 - 21
Saturday and Sunday: 10 - 21 Monday to Friday: - 14 Ron children1 - 9 year
Facebook: Zao Planet Official Saturday and Sunday:- 17 Ron children 1 - 9 year
Special offers for big organized groups with the reservation made in advance !

Afisari: 1111

Arata numar telefon
Brasov, Judet Brasov
Mesajul dumneavoastra
Incarcare fisiereoptional

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