Vile deosebite!-Attention investors/business owners

Medias adaugat la data de 24-10-2016, Numar anunt: 42290

Vile deosebite!-Attention investors/business owners
24-10-2016 Medias

Vând 2 vile situate pe aceeași curte, in Mediaș, str. Baznei. Teren total 5352 mp, din care 1501 mp suprafața construită+ curte, suprafața cu gradina si pomi fructiferi: 1014 mp, suprafata cu vita de vie nobila: 2837 mp.
Vila 1 suprafata totala construită 398 mp este compusă din:
Demisol: 2 garaje spațioase cu uși automate, casa scării.
Parter: living, bucatarie, hol+ casa scării, baie, cămara, terasa cu loc de grill.
Mansarda: 3 dormitoare, 2 bai, dressing, balcon, hol, pod.
Casa este dotata cu aer condiționat, camere de supraveghere exterioare, interfon cu camera, centrală termică, șemineu pe lemne.
Vila 2 suprafața totala construită 348 mp este compusă din:
Parter: 1 dormitor cu dressing, living, bucatarie cu dining, baie, cămara, terasa.
Etaj: 2 dormitoare, bucatarie, living, baie, pod.
Casa este dotata cu camere de supraveghere exterioare, interfon cu camera, centrală termică, șemineu pe lemne.
Anexe: 3 pivnițe, bucatarie de vara, 3 magazii, terasa cu loc de grill.
Menționez faptul ca utilitățile celor 2 vile sunt individuale.

Do not miss this opportunity to own two properties on a 5352m2 lot with the potential of Bread and Breakfast or you can move in in the recently completed 214m2 modern and luxurious 2 Story Home and rent the 168m2 sold brick 2 Story for a larger Family or convert it into offices.
This property has lots of extra value and is Fully loaded with Surveillance Cameras, Key less entry Inter phone, automatic garage door openers, Insulation, central heating , Air Conditioning, Fully landscaped with Beautiful yards and vine cellar, Huge Vine garden where you can Prepare your own vine and grow vegetables. Easy access from the Main Street, good exposure for Business, Two double garages.

Property 1: is offering Huge Master Bedroom with built in closets and Georges Master Bath, 2 more Bedrooms with full Bath,expensive staircase and elegant regaling to the main level where you can find a large living room with wood burning fireplace, lots off windows,double doors to the deck, 1500m2 yard.
The modern kitchen is combined with a dinette. Huge bathroom with corner tube and separate shower, washer-dryer, corner pantry.
This home is ready to move in all appliances included, and it has expensive and tasteful finishing!

Property 2: is a solid brick Bungalow with second floor on the top offering endless opportunities for rental. It comes with storages, summer kitchen, vine cellar, flower garden to relax and the view of the city.
Main floor was remodeled with new triple pan Windows, new doors, new kitchen, bath and paint.
Large living room with fireplace, dining room, one bedroom with built in closet, very cool and comfortable for the hot summer days.
The upper level has separate entry on the side of the home, offering 2 more bedrooms, living room, kitchen and full bath.
With small changes can be converted in to 4 rooms for offices, or more bedrooms for Bed and Breakfast.
This properties are best deal on the market and ready to generate cash flow

de vanzare
Constructie din

Afisari: 719
Arata numar telefon
Medias, Judet Sibiu
Mesajul dumneavoastra
Incarcare fisiereoptional

Am citit si sunt de acord cu Termeni si Conditii

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