mechanical engineer want a job abroad

strainatate adaugat la data de 19-07-2011, Numar anunt: 1082

2000 EUR
mechanical engineer want a job abroad
19-07-2011 strainatate

mechanical engineer want a job in Pitesti or abroad

Date of birth: 09 May 1960
Address: Bratianu CI, Pitesti, Romania
Phone numbers: +40747230102 and +40348415935
Work experience:
Engineering: 7,5 years; Transport/Logistics: 7,5 years; Constructions: 2,5 month; Supply: 14 years; Production and manufacturing: 3 years; Maintenance and repairs: 7,5 years; Management: 16 years
5. Manager in my own Company: Chintesenta Enterprise SRL from Pitesti ( 10-25 employees)
This Company was the first in top business in Romania in 2008.
Field 1: Supply for wholesale
Period: 03.01.1996 - 01.09.2006
Details of the job: Sales and distribution of food and non-food stuff in an area of approximatelly 70 km
Field 2: Production and manufacturing
Period: 10.09.2006 - 01.08.2009
Details of the job: I invested 100000 euro in machines from England for production in the field of energy (biodiesel fuel), but because of Legislation changing by our country’s leaders, this business went bankrupt, so we have bank credits. Details on the web page(only in romanian):
4. Single associate in my Company at Saisprezece SRL from Pitesti (2-6 employees)
Period: 02.06.1993 - 02.01.1996
Details of the job: Coordinate all activities of the Company, in the wholesale area
3. Constructions and Manufacuring Administrator at John SRL from Pitesti( 25-50 employees)
Period: 01.04.1993 - 01.06.1993
Details of the job: Coordination and management of the whole company and I learned many tricks of construction and business. References: mr. eng. Branescu Ion, President of CCI Arges: +40744313896
2. Maintenance and development engineer at Local Transport Company from Pitesti (Publitrans RA, with 200-250 employees)
Period: 02.10.1989 - 31.03.1993
Field: Transport/Logistics
Details of the job: Maintenance and development of the bus park. References: mr. eng. Grigore Constantin, my former boss of motor depot: +40770871221
1. Supervisor at autovehicles repairs at Local Transport Company from Slatina ( 150-200 employees)
Period: 29.08.1985 - 01.10.1989
Details of the job: After three months when I became supervisor, I “cleaned” the place where the trucks were waiting to be repaired, which initally was full with autovehicles.This was one reason for promoting me and increasing my salary in advance
2. University Politehnica from Bucharest (1980 – 1985)
Qualification: Mechanical engineer, profile: road autovehicles
1. High School: Nicolae Balcescu (IC Bratianu College) from Pitesti (1975 – 1979)
Specialization: Mathematics – Physics
Details: A student that participated at a lot of National Olympics (phases: local and zonal)
After the exam ( with 9,80 at Algebra and Mathematical Analysis), I made 9 months obligatory military service (september 1979 – june 1980)
English: I understand 90% of a speech, I can write well, but I don’t speak quite fluently;
French: Beginner at speaking and writing and intermediate at understanding
Driving Licence: B (since 1980); C (since 1985); B+E (since 1988); C+E (since 1988); D+E (since 1988)
Hobbies: computers(medium), electricals and electronics(graduator of the training of Radio -TV repairer)
Other skills: a very ordered person, honest, ambitious and a very good organizor

I agree that any offer of employment is subject to satisfactory references and health clearance if required. (Health clearance is compulsory for all international field workers)
I confirm that information provided on this form and any attachments are to the best of my knowledge correct and complete. I understand that any information later discovered to be incorrect may result in the termination of any agreements made

Afisari: 412

2000 EUR
Arata numar telefon
strainatate, Judet Bucuresti
Mesajul dumneavoastra
Incarcare fisiereoptional

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