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Detalii Companie
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Denumire Companie :
Persoana de contact :
Rethy Dora
Adresa :
str. Calea Sagului, nr.40, ap. 40
Cod postal :
Oras :
Tara :
Telefon :
Adtob.ro Web :


Descriere activitate
Volume9 studio is a high end 3D modeling and rendering studio. We offer a wide range of premium 3D modeling and photorealistic visualization services speically taylored to our clients and the markets needs.
We are a team of experts with more then 10 years of experience in architectural and product visualization world dedicated to every project we work on.
By combining our professional experience with our technical knowledge and fine sense for design the result is a highly qualified team.
Key factors that we pride ourselves with are our personal but professional approach to every client and project, our commitment to deliver on time impressive visuals and other related services that help you achieve your goals also at fair costs.



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Ultimele 10 anunturi ale firmei
Volume9 studio
Pret : EUR

Volume9 studio is a high end 3D modeling and rendering studio. We offer a wide range of premium 3D modeli ... Detalii